Sunday, January 20, 2008


Masai Barefoot Technology or MBT are shoes not in the ordinary sense. A new revolutionary fitness aid from Swiss Masai. This product will not only change the way you use your muscles, but will improve the use of your joints and spine. The uniquely designed sole, combined with correct training, achieves a more active and healthy posture and walk.

Benefits include:
  • Strengthens and tones muscles in the feet, legs, buttocks, abdomen and back
  • Increases muscle activity and circulation which may help reduce cellulite and varicose veins
  • Relieves muscular tension, back and joint problems
  • Leads to relaxed upright posture
Well how does it work you ask?
Through it's unique design of it's multi layered sole, MBT transforms flat, hard artificial surfaces into natural uneven surfaces, simulating the walking action of our barefoot ancestors, like the Masai tribe in South Africa. Unlike most conventional training shoes that support and cushion your feet, the unique construction of the MBT challenges the sole, and the muscles used to form your posture, to be more active. This reactive, more supportive muscle action increases shock absorption for joints and discs. Walking more upright not only looks better but automatically makes us healthier and stronger. The back and joints are strengthened, circulation is increased, and breathing is more efficient. MBT lengthens and strengthens the whole body while standing, walking or running.

MBT's have appeared in Lucky magazine, Bliss website, and Dr. Phil. MBTs are available on their website as well MBT site.
Ebay also has a few shoe retailers selling them at just below retail. These shoes are pricey at $245 a pair.

You might think that these look look a bit like moon boots or some kind of "special" shoes, but really who cares, it's benefiting your health which is most important.


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