Monday, March 30, 2009

My Lovely Sister and her great stories!

At first I wasn’t going to name any names here, but we both found this story so hilarious, that I will mention her name. My lovely sister Christe had attended a huge Italian wedding back in September a couple of years ago. The people at her table were urging her to try the chili peppers. After saying, “ok, ok!”, she oddly had put some in her purse for later.

Fast forward-four months later. After COMPLETELY forgetting about the chili peppers in the forgotten clutch, they shriveled up and turned to dust. Basically my sister had chili powder amongst her MAKEUP! Not thinking anything of it, she tried to merely dust the powder out of her purse with her hand. Again, not paying attention, she started to touch up her makeup with chili powder fingers. She started to put eye shadow on and SURPRISE, her eyes started to burn. Panicking, she flew back to the bathroom is find her eyes were red, and thinking she had an allergic reaction to the eye shadow, 'Dumb Dumb' realized she had chilies in her purse. :)

Love that story Crit!!

(If you have a story that you would like to share either something embarrassing or fabulous, please, share and I will post for a good laugh or inspiration.)


My blog was having some technical difficulties, but now I'm back and will be posting again.
Thanks! See you soon!