Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh never let me down!

So, back in October on one of my frequent visits to Nine West, I spotted the most gorgeous shoes EVER. My Enzo Angeolini's, peep toe, in brown satin!! Owning at least a few pairs of Enzo's in the past, they are by far the most comfortable heels you will ever wear!

I've been dying to post a photo of them. I kept a close eye on them, and to my surprise in December (!) they went on SALE! How does that happen? I totally lucked out. I tried looking for these shoes online to show everyone, but was freaking, because I couldn't find them ANYWHERE. Anyway, behold the beauty. I recently just wore them to my friend's wedding with my brown dress. They were a hit! Love, LOVE, LOVE!!

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